If you are here its because you KNOW that birth is so much more than what we've been told it is.
You may already be embarking on this journey of gestating new life
You might have already become a mother, and maybe you're about to go through this portal again
You may not be conceiving or growing life inside of you, but one day you do desire to
Your work may be to accompany other women on their journey to a more enriching experience
Wherever you're at on you're journey...THIS is the real deal!
This is an opportunity to dive into the world of birth, dip your toes in with me to discover what this experience has the potential to be.
SO much we've been told about birth is a LIE!!!
Are you ready to find out what's possible?
A little brief introduction if we haven't met before...
I come from quite a traditional background growing up in the UK where I studied and lived until my early twenties. After university I spent my years travelling South America and ended up finding myself being called back to Colombia, to a very special place known as 'la Sierra Nevada de santa marta' / an ancestral territory belonging to 4 different indigenous tribes, nestled between the mountains and the Caribbean ocean...
Ive spent the past 8 years immersed in the natural world, very little contact with cities, urbanism, medical institutions / mostly keeping to what feels best to me, which is usually listening to the wisdom of my body and connecting with nature, finding my medicine in her.
I received my first baby in 2020 during the pandemic and since then ive given birth to two more babies. Ive received all 3 of them at home, without medical assistance, monitoring or birth professionals present.
Birthing this way has reminded me of the deep connection to the primal wisdom that my body remembers. Something that I believe EVERY woman has access to.
My journey has been one of reclamation, stripping away the fears and conditioning, not only around birth, but also in health, learning what it means to be sovereign and have autonomy over my body and every aspect of life.
I am committed to return to what is innate, instinctual, and sacred.
My intention with my work is to help guide you back to your intuitive, authentic self—so you too can conceive, birth, and mother in full autonomy, pleasure, and trust.
I believe we owe it to ourselves, as women, mothers and daughters of this Earth, to ignite our inner fire, to awaken our instincts, and remember our connection to the Earth, our bodies and our song.
Within you lives an ancient wisdom that is asking to be reclaimed.
Contact me at awakenjaguara@gmail.com if you can't find an answer to your question.
The class will last 90 minutes. There will be space at the end for a short Q&A.
Once you sign up with your email, you'll receive a mail with the link to the zoom meeting. The recording will be available for 3 days to watch after the live session which you can locate in a google drive file.